other than very basic.... anything about this skirt?


Registered Guest
I found this skirt, and it is very, very heavy. Feels like a wool blend of some type, pinked seams and a nylon zipper. It has this ropey trim, with velvet laced in the bottom.

Any thoughts on a date or catchy title?


I know earlier in the year they were showing the "drapery" look...luxe brocades and details that reminded one of upholstery fabric and it could very well be back for the fall as someone had mentioned that they had seen some of that look coming back..the heaviness and the trim sort of kind of remind me of that.
My first thought was Bavarian dirndl skirt...very ethnic looking. Have no idea on date.
Russian is supposed to be a good look this year. Perhaps pair i with something very red on top and TONS of gold and pearl chains around the neck.

I think the trim would be a soutache trim even though it's not scrolled around, and soutache is a great search term.

I like it a lot. That's usually a sign of at least one bid. Mine.
Also, you may go the military angle since that seems to be a big trend this Fall.
I am thinking I may keep it myself.... it is a larger size (mine!)......

good idea kelly..... hmmmmm a shirt and jewelry may not make this so plain!
