Our Christmas Dinner Table.


VFG Member
VFG Past President
<img src="http://img.inkfrog.com/pix/magnolia6/christmas06-33.jpg" border=0 alt=""><br><br>

Anyone else take a picture of their table before the company arrived?

Wish this room could stay as neat all year. The table is usually piled high with vintage clothing and I sometime push the table to the side and make this room my photo studio.:BAGUSE:
That looks so nice, Can I invite myself for next year!
Second thoughts if you did say yesd than you might end up with 300+ self invites!
What a lovely table and a lovely dining room too. It's very festive. Looks like it came right out of a magazine spread. Holidays are pretty informal at my house and Christmas just sort of snuck up on us this year. So not much in the way of pics.
