Painted 1950s Circle Skirt


VFG Member
I do not usually collect 1950s or later clothing, so I am a little less familiar with this era. I assume this is a late 1950s skirt, though, and the decoration is painted on the skirt. Have any of you ever cleaned anything like this? If so, how did you do that? It has a little bit of a musty smell and I would like to clean it, but am concerned about the paint.
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I forgot to ask one other question about this era ...

I am hosting a 50th high school reunion event at our tiny museum and am considering bringing in a mannequin to be dressed in this or some of the other patio/squaw things I bought with this. Would the petticoat ruffles have been visible a little beneath the skirt ... or was that only in Gunsmoke? :)
All I can tell you for certain is that it is Mexican, hand-painted cotton. I have dry cleaned one similar with good results, but I believe others had trouble with cleaning. If the only trouble is the odor, you could try Febreeze or similar and airing.
Thank you for the help Maggie. I will let it air out first and see how it is in a few days. If that does not work I will try to have it dry cleaned. It does not show in the photos, but the paint is metallic and I wasn't sure if that makes it more or less susceptible to damage from dry cleaning.
oh my beautiful to me... i bet that would do killer on ebay!! i have never seen one so bright!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE IT! i would not risk dry cleaner... unless you know a good one.. some stuff is just not worth the risk lol :-) i want it :-(
Yes it is Mexican. These skirts were painted on a full circle of fabric and they secure with ties rather than zips. They were actually made for visiting American tourists and many are washable (lavable) but I am always careful of the ones with gold paint and prefer to send them to my dry cleaner. Even the washable ones tend to fade with repeated washing.

One needs to look out for the machine printed ones, not all were hand-painted and if you try and wash these the colour runs and ruins the skirt.

The one you have may well depict some folklore tale. There are some with Aztec gods and there are some geat ones with painted girls wearing full circle frilled skirts that are 3-D in effect because they add the frilled skirt as a fabric layer - lift the skirt and the girls are wearing underwear!

Kent is one of the most famous brand names.
I have steamed them from behind to remove creases very successfully...

Oh, and petticoats showing are a social faux pas... you would die of embarrassment if your crinoline hung longer than your skirt.