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Hi everyone. I have this Penney's Towncraft sport coat that is very cool looking. Unfortunately, it is in pretty bad condition and needs to be restored. It is full of little holes and needs to be professionally and perhaps un-professionally (i.e. by me) cleaned. I'm trying to figure out if it is worth the time/money/effort or not. The VFG label resource helped a little. Pegged it around late 60s. I know Penney's started using "JC Penney's" in the early 70s, but if I understand it correctly it took them to about the end of that decade before all of their clothes had the new label. So with that in mind, I was thinking that this jacket was probably pre-1970s, but the wide lapel makes me also think that it is possibly a 70s that didn't have the new label yet. The styling is very cool, but it doesn't strike me as terribly 70s though. Does anyone have any ideas of date and/or style?