Philippe Tournaye Rembrandt Dress Help Please

Hi Everyone,

I found a Philippe Tournaye Rembrandt day dress and after reading up on his history decided it was from the 1960s.

However, while looking more closely at the dress I saw that it was constructed with diamond gussets at the underarms, which I thought was a 50s thing???

Any insight will be appreciated.

Thank you all once again,
Darling dress--you find the bestest things, Alice! If it's been shortened as much as you think, I'd say 50s even probably without the gussets. But, some designers did, I think, use them into the early 60s (some of my Saltern pieces that I'm pretty sure are very early 60s have them).

My opinion would be late 50s, but were you to say "cusper" I don't you can't go wrong.
I don't know if this makes a difference in deciding era, but the front placket & buttons are decorative. Dress is closed by a long zipper in back.
Looks like it's from that 1960-63 period. Think Janet Leigh in The Birds.
Thanks Anne for your feedback, I think this is a sweet dress, too. Wish I could wear it. :(

And thanks bycin for your comments. Yes I can see Janet Leigh in The Birds, one of my, all time, favorite, scary films.

Best to all,
Janet Leigh was well-dressed in that movie... well, except in the shower. *creepy axe murderer music swells*

Hey bycin.
Guess I need to rent some old movies and do a little fashion study.
Wasn't Janet Leigh in both movies, "The Birds" & "Psycho"? The Birds was creepier for me because I grew up in the country and had birds chase me when I got too close to their nests -love Hitchcock's work.