Photos of a bygone age


Registered Guest

I love looking at old photos of my family or postcards that show a bygone era and thus the clothes they wore. It's great to just see the clothes as they were worn by real people ie not models. I think it would be good resource especially for newbies like me.

I would love to start a link, though I don't have photos on me at the mo as it's a case of me borrowing them from my Mum and scanning them, but I have some nice 1940s ones inc one of my Nan in a strapless full length gown with ostrich feathers on the skirt.

Do you think members would be interested?

Your thoughts would be great, I won't be offended if anyone doesn't feel it's a good idea, but have been thinking about it for awhile so just glad to get it off my chest...:headbang:

Hi Sarah

That's a nice idea! I don't have many photos here, because my mom keeps most of the family photos, but I some old photos here that came down from my great-grandparents, and in some of them, nobody quite knows who is in the photos because it was not some immediate relative, but maybe people they just knew.

Here's a few photos - I think the people in them were all friends or some kind of relations of my great-grandparents or my grandparents. As far as I know the photos are from Holland (my great-grandmother was Dutch).




Funny, this one is dated September 9th, 1952!




This is a bit older - this was taken in Samedan here in Switzerland in the 1920s, and my grandpa must have been among all these kids.

:USETHUMBUP: Thanks Karin, that's exactly the feel of the thread I was after. Great photos and loving the clothes...not sure which photo I like best, that wedding dress is very different! It's great you've included a photo of children as well. I'll be able to post some photos at the weekend hopefully once I've seen my Mum...mind you I think I've got two around....

Be nice if everyone joined in and put the dates too as you have done.

Fabulous Karin and thanks for starting this off! I'm loving it already! :drinkingtoast:

Ahhh, so it's been done before, but more photos the merrier! Fabulous photos on the link...thankyou Ookoo! I'll put some on at the weekend after I've visited my Mum (mainly 1940s), though once my Mum gets the photos out I'll be there all weekend!

Only got a couple here, 1st one is me and my cousin (RIP) in the 60s, can't see much, just a bit of our coats, check/plaid and my groovy plastic coat.



and my Great Great grandfather, around 1910's I believe.
Dated photos are wonderful for helping date clothing, and for getting a feel of life in general.

I've personally had more learning from family pics, Life mag ads, and old Sears catalogs than fancier, couture concentrated sources. Around here, I don't tend to find the higher end stuff; finding more every day stuff and the occasional nicer item that a working man's wife would have in her closet.