

Registered Guest
At one point in time, I thought that I took good pictures for my Ebay auctions.

After looking at the pictures on here, man was I ever wrong!

Does anyone have any tips for me? The pics of the dresses I posted in another thread aren't ones that I would have used, they were just quickie pics to show a friend what I'd found that day.

I don't have a mannequin, or a large space to take pictures in. I do have a flat metal form type dealio, but it doesn't really give you any depth as as mannequin does.

Any good hints and tips?

Thanks in advance!
if you are going to sell a lot online get a mannequin!!!!

So many buyers do not have an eye for what something can look like,, they have to see it! otherwise... find a model.... I couldnt sell hardly anything without a mannequin... I bought one on ebay shipped to me for about 80 dollars I think... maybe 60... I put a sheet up in the corner as a back drop and thats where my stuff sits.... and it was the best thing I did for my business....

If you are just selling a few items here and there.. if you can fit in the clothes take a pic with you in them, and if not then you can do the flat form but try and pin and tuck (as long as you dont damage the garment of course) and make it look form fitting on the flat form... I hear using no flash outside, on a nice bright day takes good pictures.. I do combos of both (flash adn no flash as well as different settings) depending on colors and focusing on certain features...

Sorry i don't know more I am just learning all this stuff myself too... but if you are selling and want to grow, take the plunge. A mannequin is a SMART business investment... actually I have a dress form.. not a full mannequin but I think it does well and I kind of like dress forms better for certain things and mannequins better for others...

Good luck!!!
