Picked up a Jiffy Steamer Today!


VFG Member
VFG Past President
Ever get this wierd feeling that you have to go to the thrift store. Well, when I went out to pick up some lunch, my car just automatically turned into the parking lot.:)

Anyway, I got a Jiffy Professional Steamer for $5.00! It is an older J-2 but it works perfectly...better than any steamer I have! (and not one spit)
Bravo, Linda, glad you paid attention to the little voice that told you to go. That was indeed a super buy, as these are quite pricey!

We bought a brand new one well over a year ago and one of the wheels broke off pretty quickly. I think the older ones are better made, I should have kept the old one I had when I still had the shop!
A guy walked by when I was trying to fit it in my cart. He said...oh a steamer...I have one I have never used..you better plug it in before you leave. It probably doesn't work.

Yeah, right! I will give a $5.00 donation if it doesn't!

I do have another one similar and it is newer. Got it at the same place, but this older, more sturdier one, works so much better. Also, the water lasts forever.
Thats the one I have and I love it. But I broke the glass jug and haven't been able to find another :(
I have a few scars from burns from that thing though so be careful!
ooo, a lucky day, linda! :excited:

my conair has been a good workhorse for the past 5 years i've had it, but i'd really rather have a jiffy. score for you!
Mine was glass but the replacement ones are plastic. I keep buying stuff like apple cider that comes in glass jugs thinking they will fit but they never do.
Yes, do be careful of burning yourself, especially when working on long items, I had a terrible burn one time, I had a huge bubble on the inside of the arm...had another one on my hand and wrist last year. It happens so quickly with these especially when you've been on a roll and are steaming a lot of items at one time.
Keep clothes pins nearby. When you need to steam to the very edge of something use the clothes pin to hold it and give you a couple of inches away from the steam~