Please help date these men's hats


Registered Guest
I posted this on the "bay", but they have their discussion boards so messed up and the vintage clothing area is so hard to find. I'm hoping that someone here can help. I have three hats.

The first is a brown Stetson.

Stetson4.jpg Stetson2.jpg Stetson3.jpg

The second hat is a black felt by Champ. Would it be a bowler or derby?

ChampHat.jpg ChampHat3.jpg ChampHat4.jpg ChampHat5.jpg ChampHat6.jpg

The last hat is a Mallory 10

MalloryHat.jpg MalloryHat4.jpg MalloryHat5.jpg MalloryHat6.jpg

Thanks in advance!
Great hats, and I agree with MS's dating.

The tall crown/short brim combo in the first hat and the last was characteristic of the 30s, and the black leather sweatband on the Champ typical in the 60s. I've had that black sweatband/red liner combo in a 60s homburg myself. (BTW derby and bowler are synonymous!)

This thread on the Fedora Lounge has some terrific tips for dating men's hats.
Cool hats!
Have you pulled up the sweatbands to look for the inventory and re-order tags? They are usually very helpful for dating. Post pics if you find them. :)

Editing to go out on a limb here:
In recent months, I've been really trying to educate myself about vintage men's hats. I'm inclined to date the Stetson to the 1950s. The quality designation (from lower end to upper end) of Royal, Royal DeLuxe, Medalist, Sovereign, Imperial, and Premier were supposedly not put into use until the mid-to-late 40s. That info, combined with the style of logo on the liner, is making me think 50s... but I'm new at this.
I haven't looked closely at the other hats, but I really haven't learned much about brands other than Stetson or Borsalino, yet.
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Those are 3 great hats. I agree with the Vendeuse that the first hat, a Stetson homberg, is post WWII, mid 1950s. The derby looks 1960s "ish" to me. The last hat, also a Homberg, is the oldest, perhaps 1940s. I am not much of an authority on mens hats, but I have been collecting them for over 30 years and have general idea of the decade. I collect them but never have had the time to research them as much as I would like to.

There was a gentleman who joined us last year as a guest on the forums, and he knew a great deal about mens hats. I have not seen him on the forums for a while now.
I appreciate all of your responses. I listed on ebay and someone messaged me to correct me that the Stetson was 50's because of the plastic covering inside.