Please help me date a few dresses :)


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Hi, can you please help me date these guys?

Is this 80's (that's what I think most likely) or could it be 60's??



This one has a metal zipper up the front, is it a "shift" dress? And would it be 60's or...??



This one rocks :) it's kind of shear on top, lined under the skirt, is it 70's??


Is this a funky wedding dress?? I thought 80s, but now I'm thinking 90's what do you guys think??



OK, that's all for now :) Thank you all again so much!!
The first dress looks c. 1999/2000 to me - I remember blue and silver were really big that season. The little zipper front shift is late 60s, Asian print black ground dress late 70s and the cream lace looks high 80s to me (86ish)
Does that first dress have any sort of label? Is it a thick polyester? Agree with 60's on the second, 70s on the third and 80s on the fourth.
OK good when I saw it I totally thought late 80's prom or funky wedding dress (the white one) then I got to second guessing it...

The blue one is lined, it is thick poly and it has this tag as seen below...oh and the zipper confuses me too, also the size, it's an 18, I'm a small 16 and it's too small for's the pics.




I think it's earlier than late 90s, but then - I've been tricked by remakes before :)
Agree with Jonathan on all dates - and whilst I hesitated on the first one thinking it could be early '90s, your tag photo seals it for me. It has far too much information and looks to be made of that papery stuff - agree with later '90s.

Golden age, you see wedding dress too? Me too, but I wasn't sure I think I will use Dallas and Dynasty as tags (wherever I do list it):)

Nicole, I think I will learn not to question Jonathan :) lol he's been right on 100% so far - but I was hoping it was maybe a little older - bummer, stupid 1990's rip-off's..sigh, oh well it's still a cute dress, maybe it'll sell on ebay :) and I am getting better at spotting them now so that's good :) Thanks again everyone!
Lol trell good advice..... buy some of jonothans books hahahaha.... also amazon some "costume fashion" books and old sears and montgomery wards magazines... I saturated myself in them for about 3 months and went from knowing nothing to 85% confident in my abilities and right about 90% of the time,,, but not always lol and still only with dresses hahaha not to good at the skirts and blouses yet but getting better!
Thanks Trell, I am getting better for sure, it's the ones that I think maybe on those ones end up being 90s ones, so I'm learning not to get those ones on the just maybe - unless I love it an will use it like the funky blue cowboy (girl) boots I got today ;) Jluthye - I should by Jonathan's books - I didn't even realize he had more than one! I'm waiting for his shoe book - can't wait to read that one! And I do have SEars Cataloges and Eatons, and some magazines, they do really help - can you believe, I stopped at an antique store last weekend, little roadside deal , cute place - he wanted $85 each for his Seras and Eaton's Catalogs - I almost keeled over right there!! I bought some down the road at a flea market for $3 each lol, I'll read them more next week, but I think I've gotten out most of the"oh maybe it's not a remakes" now anyways :) It's all fun - thanks again!