Please Help! Vintage Eye Ful Peignoir Top. Company Info, etc.

Discussion in 'PUBLIC Vintage Fashion - Ask Questions Get Answers' started by Alyce, Nov 7, 2023.

  1. Alyce

    Alyce Registered Guest

    Hello, What a great site! I stumbled over this site after spending a lot of time searching about the company EYE FUL, I was unsuccessful in finding the company history. I did find the name "Eye Ful by The Flaums" in items being sold online but most were made in the 50s or 60s. I could not find any information about "The Flaums" (country or company history, etc).

    This lovely peignoir top belonged to my grandmother. I'm guessing she purchased it in the 1940s or earlier before I was born in 1947 because I have no recollection of seeing this beautiful piece. The robe has been in storage for decades.

    Does anyone have any information about Eye Ful by The Flaums? Thank you for any help you may have to share with me about Eye Ful. I am falling in love with vintage clothing from the 40s. I am thrilled to have found your great site.
    Regards, Alyce

    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 7, 2023
    GemGem, retro ruth, wyogems and 2 others like this.
  2. lkranieri

    lkranieri VFG Member

    From a Dec. 1946 article: "Eye-Ful Lingerie, Inc., is the name of the new firm formed by Samuel and Ruth Flaum at 25 West 31st street (NYC). The firm will specialize in the manufacture of better slips, gowns, panties, bed jackets and robes...The firm will begin commercial operations Jan 2."

    And one of the latest references I found was in a 1984 article which noted: "Boutique Industries, which markets a range of sleepwear and loungewear...under the Eye-ful (label)."
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2023
  3. poppysvintageclothing

    poppysvintageclothing VFG Member Staff Member VFG Past President

  4. Alyce

    Alyce Registered Guest

    Thank you so very much for this information, I really appreciate you taking the time to respond. Have a great day and weekend. Alyce
  5. Alyce

    Alyce Registered Guest

    Thank you, it's very pretty. I love it and wish I had memories of my Grandma when she was into high fashion.

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