Please help w/unusual 60s/70s (?) hat...


VFG Member
Maybe someone out there has run into this kind of hat before, or knows when they were popular. Best way I can describe it is as a skullcap crocheted from cord trim, with two sheer poly chiffon scarves woven through...

I get a late 60s into 70s vibe from it, but I'm really grasping at straws...

Dating thoughts or KW, anyone?

Many thanks!

(Note: The last pic is of the inside of the hat).



Carrie, that is a lovely hat--very unusual and elegant! I'm by no means an expert on hats, but I get an earlier feel to it. Definitely 60s, I "think," though. No earlier, but I don't see 70s in it.
I agree: early '60s. I've seen some really wacky hats of this era, it's almost as if the clothes were plainish so they had to express their creativity in their headware.

This is a really odd hat Carrie and unless there is a label it looks to be crocheted by hand. The scarves are too bulky to be threaded through and the colours in my opinion don't complement the hat.

I don't think it is from the 1950's. It could be any period from the late 60's onward. Someone was trying to be creative.
Thanks for your reply, Vertugarde. No label; I think you and Suzanne are probably right that it was homemade. (Funny, though, I actually like the scarf colors--I'm a sucker for tonal neutral palettes, I guess...)

I'm confident in dating this to the 60s. I even found a couple of (earlier) 60s examples in my hat books that this one can easily have been riffing off of (sorry about the giant photos; I really tried to figure out how to adjust):


Those are two good examples. The 'turban' shape lent itself to being made in various fabrics during the 1960's. Ruching , pleating, that raffia straw and crochet were popular. The style of the pleated taffeta hat with the tail if I recall correctly was worn by Princess Margaret. I can't dig up a picture of her wearing one but here is another picture of her. The hat is quite something;