Poly pants NWT - does anyone want these?


Alumni +
I have about 6 pairs or more of these. Polyester plaid flared pants, all NWT. They came in the huge lot I bought in WVA.
Is there a market?

O Please tell me there is.

This is a first for me on ebay - I have sold 1820s - 1970s, mens, womens, children, hats, accessories, Guatamalan aprons - you name it. But I usually run from poly as fast as I can. So I have no clue how to sell these - Help!!

<img src=http://members.aol.com/montyholly/higgensblueplaid.jpg>

Thanks!, Hollis
Check out Steppop's thread on the private boards about his sales pitch, Hollis. This style is popular RIGHT NOW thanks to Outkast. Course, that is with the matching jackets, but I bet you could sell these using that angle.
Don't know if this helps any Hollis, but the Fashion Section
of today's Toronto Star had a big article about retro
golf fashions...unfortunately, I could not find the page of
pics online, but there were some plaids. Maybe you could
use that angle too. I think I would throw them up for
$9.99 each and see where they go.

<a href="http://www.thestar.com/NASApp/cs/ContentServer?pagename=thestar/Layout/Article_Type1&c=Article&cid=1083795009179&call_pageid=973280119494&col=969048867776">T. Star article</a>

Hollis -

We are always looking to buy these for our 70's rentals.

So...if you have no luck with them, please let me know, as I'm sure Evie is interested in them.
