I am always super excited when I get an old dress and find a label inside.
This is a purple velvet dress with snaps at the hip, velvet buttons at the cuffs, a velvet button at the back of the collar, and two pretty flowers in at each edge of the square neckline. The shoulders have some additional fabric and small shoulder pads. The inside has a label on the side below the underarm that reads A registered original design with Fashion Originators Guild.
I would guess that this is a 30s dress. Would you please help me with dating?
Woops: Edited to say I found this label in the vfg label resource section. This appears to be a mid 30s dress.
Also is this label a recognized label?
Thank you so much, Caryn
This is a purple velvet dress with snaps at the hip, velvet buttons at the cuffs, a velvet button at the back of the collar, and two pretty flowers in at each edge of the square neckline. The shoulders have some additional fabric and small shoulder pads. The inside has a label on the side below the underarm that reads A registered original design with Fashion Originators Guild.
I would guess that this is a 30s dress. Would you please help me with dating?
Woops: Edited to say I found this label in the vfg label resource section. This appears to be a mid 30s dress.
Also is this label a recognized label?
Thank you so much, Caryn