Possibly something that Lin would know....

I received a dress this morning (the seller hadn't mentioned a label) with a 'Roecliff & Chapman - Grosvnenor Street' label. I think the dress is possibly 40s and very beautiful. I had a look on Google but it didn't come up with much except a couple of adverts for some stunning dresses.

<I>(Isn't this photo VERY Margaret/Denisebrain??? It's fab!!!)</i>

<img src="http://members.sparedollar.com/talentedamateur/roecliffchapman.jpg">

and <A href="http://cgi.ebay.ie/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=3885&item=7167822527&rd=1">this</a> auction

Has anyone heard of them? They seem quite high end, and I know Lin has an interest in the many 'lost' fashion houses of London!

Thanks in advance!!

Wow, that looks fabulous - and you're right, it looks like Margaret! I don't know anything about them, unfortunately, though I'll add them to the list of ones to find out about.

Alas, my interest in the 'lost' fashion houses centres principally around their 'lostness' and my inability to find out anything definite!! Maybe we need the 'Debs' Directory 1948' or something...

I should draw up a W1 map, with names printed on the various locations, or something...
Doh! I totally forgot to check my 'Cutting Edge' book, and it has this little blurb on them. Possibly enough to warrant a label resource entry....

<i><B>Roecliffe(sic) & Chapman</b>

Couture and top-level ready-to-wear house much in vogue in the 1940s and 1950s. Created beautiful, predominantly romantic special occasion and eveningwear</i>

I'll have to post photos when I have some sunlight to take them in!

Originally posted by noir_boudoir
I should draw up a W1 map, with names printed on the various locations, or something...

That would be a great idea! Your webpage on the ghost of Mayfair is so evocative.....
