**Post Labels for the LABEL RESOURCE Here** 2024 CLOSED

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Ranch Queen Vintage

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This is a place to SUBMIT LABELS ONLY - Not a place to discuss or ask questions about a label. If you would like to ask questions about a label PLEASE post in the forum located

The Vintage Fashion Guild is constantly adding to the Label Resource, and we welcome contributions. If you have a label to contribute, we ask that you follow these guidelines.

First, please check the Label Resource to ensure that your label is not already represented. If your label is NOT there and you feel it should be, please post an image of the label onto this thread, together with the following:

(1) date of garment
(2) type of garment
(3) photo of garment
(4) any research you have done on the designer/label and a link to where you found that information.
(5) how you would like to be credited for your contribution (i.e. your name, your VFG username, or your vintage fashion business name)

Please submit a clear, straight, well-lit, tightly cropped shot of just the label, 500 pixels or larger.
Here is an example:


Also, because of the change of the label sizes when the website changed format, some of the old labels are grainy and hard to read. If you have a better image of one of these labels, we would welcome your replacement image.

Under copyright law, the owner of a photograph has exclusive rights to that photograph. Please, only submit images that are your own, or that you have obtained express permission to share. By posting your label image here, you are giving your copyright assignment for the image to go onto the Label Resource. You will be credited for your contribution.

Concerning Use of the Label Resource:

Welcome to the Vintage Fashion Guild’s Label Resource. Here you’ll find a large collection of vintage label images, complete with biographies and company histories for each label.

We are working hard to make sure this Resource is as comprehensive as possible. It is a work in progress; its growth depends upon contributions of labels, and any omissions are due to the fact that examples of many designers’ work are scarce. We welcome contributions of vintage labels that are not represented in the Resource.

This Resource is to be used only as an educational tool, and is not intended as a value guide. Inclusion of a label in the resource is not an indication of value, as garments vary greatly in value depending on many factors. Another point that needs to be considered by users is that some companies used the same label for many years, and just because the garment used on the label resource is a certain date, it does not mean that all garments with the same label are the same date.

The labels included have been carefully researched and we have worked hard to insure that all information is correct. If a mistake should be found, we would greatly appreciate access to your information so the Resource can be corrected.

We are always looking for new information about any of the labels in the resource. Please post here if you have additional research you wish to contribute.

We hope you find the Vintage Fashion Guild’s Label Resource useful. We provide the Resource at no cost to the vintage community, but ask that if you use the resource or copy parts of it on another site (such as eBay, blogs, articles, etc.) that you credit the VFG in the following way: “Information courtesy of The Vintage Fashion Guild Label Resource” or “Information courtesy of {Contributor's Name}/the Vintage Fashion Guild Label Resource”.

Please note that the author of the bio owns the copyright to the work, and that the copyright is assigned to the VFG. In order to be in compliance with our copyright policy, and the law, you must credit all copyrighted work.

Thank you!
We don't have this De Weese label in the resource - from a 70s jersey coverup
Added to the LR 2/15/24
Thanks, Maggie!
Veste en laine rehaussée de fils de lurex doré Claude Montana pour Gianni Ballanti Automne/Hiver 1980/81
Added to the LR 2/20/24
Thank you, PL!
Ted Lapidus Pigskin Leather Jacket Spring/Summer 1971 Collection Ready to Wear.
Added to the LR 2/20/24
Thank you, PL!
Beige Polyester blouse Ted Lapidus Spring/Summer 1971 Collection Ready to Wear Made in Italy.
Added to the LR 2/20/24
Thank you, PL!
Red safari jacket Ted Lapidus Spring/Summer 1970 Haute Couture
Added to the LR 2/30/24
Thank you, PL!
Jacques Esterel long dress circa 1970s
(Can you update the name of the page that lists the labels, because it is simply called Esterel can you add Jacques)
Added to the LR 2/20/24
Thank you, PL!
Black wool coat Jean Hercey Fall/Winter 1973/74 Haute Couture collection

Downloaded for the LR 2/20/24
Thank you, PL!
Manteau Beige Philippe Venet Boutique milieu des années 70s
Added to the LR 2/20/24
Thank you, PL!
Olive green leather jacket Christian Dior Boutique Cuir mid 80s
Added to the LR 2/20/24
Thank you, PL!
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