Properly dateing a swimsuit


Registered Guest
I just bought a really great Cole of California swimsuit on ebay. I still havent recieved it, and never saw the tag. It has buttoned straps. I really was just randomly curious as to when they stoped useing buttoned straps on swimsuits??
I dont know that it has ever stopped. I mean, maybe not as popular, would have to see the suit and the type/style of buttons used.

You can give the auction number if you would like an opinion.
Tha auction item number is 110226412355.

It looks to be about the 70's to me, but I don't remembre seeing to many buttons after the 60's. News to me, thanks for clueing me in!
If it fits like about a size 6-8 its older for sure. A vintage size 14 from the 60s or maybe early 70s will be much smaller than todays.

Its a great looking suit! I think you did get a deal!
It is funny as I have been watching that suit and the 125.00 one..& thought how lucky the person was to win it for 25.00

I was interested as I have the same suit....

small world aint it!