Proud mother moment.


VFG Secretary
It's half term at the moment so I have been entertaining my small son (nearly 4) with baking this afternoon.
Knowing how messy things get I decided to go upstairs and hange my dress for something I didn't have to handwash and Fin came with me.
He pointed to a dress I'd bought from Lei that was hanging on the door (had worn it this weekend, I love it!) and said
"why don't you put on your wiggle dress?"

I asked him how he knew it was a wiggle dress and he replied that it made me all wiggly and that's why he called it a wiggle dress. LOL. And he was right!
Depressing Harriet! for me, a little might tenth my age has worked out a answer to what I was thinking about asking about but thought a little cheeky to ask or to stupid for me to think about asking ,So thanks for posting that.
A partnership in the making with you measuring and letting your son devise the description for your listings great duo.
Sound as if he is going to grow up to be very intelligent man if that anything to go by.