Questions about a blouse and skirt set and also a hat


Registered Guest
Hi all,
I have questions about dating/whatever else anyone here may be able to tell me about these items:
First, a blouse and skirt set, no label, some sort of chiffon material:

It's hard to see in the photo but the skirt has 3 free-falling sections in the front gathered and sewn to 3 triangles sewn to the waistband.
Also, a hat with a very cool but dirty and aged pin in it:
here's the best close-up I could get of the pin:

Another question: could the pin be cleaned somehow?
Back of the hat:

Inside of the hat: (no label)

and the hat being worn, it's a turban type style:

Thanks for your help!
*edited for hugeness of images. Please click thumbnails for bigger views!
Originally posted by lkranieri
Model is adorable, too!

Why thank you, that's actually me :D
I was leaning more towards 20s or 30s at latest on the blouse and skirt (they're separate items) because of the sheer and delicate fabric and the art-deco-ness of the triangles on the skirt (and I got it from an actual vintage shop that said it was 30s-ish, but also uncertain), but I'm pretty unsure as well...
actually, I have another shot of the blouse and skirt, maybe it'll be clearer in detail:
tell me what you think!
Originally posted by nostalgic*collections
Vintageveta - what is your name, hon? Also, are you in Minnesota? The lake and trees remind me of my hometown.

Hi Vicki,
my name is Veta (it's short for Yelizaveta) and I was actually in a very small town in central Illinois in these photos, right on the Illinois river.
i agree it's 50s, probably early 50s and either silk or rayon chiffon - the length, the turnback cuffs, the full skirt all say 50s. that is a lovely photograph and you're lovely in it, but it's difficult to see the details of the dress.
Originally posted by Catbooks1940s
i agree it's 50s, probably early 50s and either silk or rayon chiffon - the length, the turnback cuffs, the full skirt all say 50s. that is a lovely photograph and you're lovely in it, but it's difficult to see the details of the dress.
Hi joan, thanks for the response. I also posted what i think is a more detailed shot a couple posts in to the thread, in case you didn't see and wanted a better shot. Thanks!
Veta - I'm having a homesick moment looking at your photos. I miss the water and the trees... Welcome to VFG. The ladies (and Jonathan) have been so wonderful.