Questions about Bermuda bag


VFG Treasurer

I have a Trimingham's Bermuda bag that I think is from the 60s but would like a second opinion. Also, there are many Trimingham's bags out there but what do you make of the second label? I could not find a single thing about Margery Jean Friberg. Could this be the name of the person who it would have belonged to?

Thank you,

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My first thought when I saw the Margery Jean Friberg tape was that it is identical to a name tape my mother-in-law sewed in my husband's things before he went off to college [Edited to say the tape is identical in STYLE, not identical in name! My husband is not named Margery...and where is a smiley icon?] To that end I found a 1967 newspaper article about the marriage of John Edward Friberg of Manchester NH. One of his bride's bridesmaids was "Miss Margery J. Friberg, sister of the bridegroom," so I assume that the name is, as you suggested, the name of the bag's owner.

And, I bought an identical bag at Trimingham's in Bermuda ca. 1966.