Questions about this Serbin - now about flower id


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VFG Past President
I could not resist this dress. I just caved and could not pass it up.

There is one single belt loop that is high set, empire style. I added a scarf to show where it sits. it is just at the top edge of where the scarf is, just under the bust darts. It is inconspicuous so one might get away without a belt adn leaving the loop in tact. I imagine it would be a white cord type tie belt, but am not quite sure. My scarf would be a bit wider than what was original. What do you think it was, or is it something that you would throw the original notion out the window and just go with what looked okay? And would you wait on offering it for sale until you matched it up with a belt, or would you let the new owner decide what their taste is. (and just show it tied to amplify the sihouette).

It's Serbin by Muriel Ryan and it is a signature print (you can see the Serbin signature in the design). I noticed neither are in the label resource...but maybe that can be fixed :) I will take a scan of the label.


Unbelted...I like belted..but with something more apropriate...better .


I do kind of like it without, actually - it gives the unbroken line of the pattern, which is lovely.

Would a white belt be best, you think?
I guess i like it belted because i am just partial to sheath dresses, etc. You are right about the pattern though. Maybe i will just give folks the option either way. I am thinking one of those skinny, barely there cord belts. probably white. But i can just sort of give people the option both ways i suppose.
That is just a scarf that happened to be long enough just to demonstrate where it might fall. Geez, i guess you are right Jenn, i hadn't thought about the faux midriff appearance
Oh, I like it without the belt but would show it both ways.
How about a light pink satin ribbon to match the print?
I can't see where the loop is, though.
I like the satin ribbon idea! The belt loop is on the opposite side. It is not really a proper loop...just one of those that is loops up and affixes to the same point instead of at top and bottom like a belt loop on jeans. The stringy kind meant for a fabric belt. That didn't sound like English, did it?
I like it without, too, and I love the print. Recent mags are showing tying a scarf around to make an empire look. I guess I would show both ways and be sure to say PINK.
i appreciate that a belt interferes with the print but i actually prefer it belted... :BAGUSE:
but then i am always an advocate of the empire line so understand that i stand alone there! i'd show it both ways, maybe with a similarly coloured pink sash - although so speaks the woman whose child's friends think she is in 'fancy dress'. ahem. (you may choose to ignore me)

another vote for unbelted, however I would show it both ways Chris.

Off to the fabric section for some pink ribbon, then (notice i didn't say fabric STORE. we are too far in the boonies for that).

Now, i recognize the flower on the lower right hand side of the screen of the second shot...the name is on the tip of my tongue...but i can't seem to think of what the central flower is supposed to be. Last night i thought chrysanthemum but i am not so sure. I would think the center of the flower would not be as visible, so the mind's eye didn't remember it correctly. It certainly is not a daisy.

I was going to call this "op art"