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I received 2 coats from my grandad, and am looking for some help to time place them. I know one of them is from Stewart's, a department store that used to be based in Louisville, Ky. But I can't find any mention of the other department store online (Parkwood, Norman's?). I also have no idea how old these coats are, or what era they hail from! Can anyone lend me a hand dating them?


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The Parkwood coat looks early '60s.

It will help if you can post label photos of the first one but I'm thinking '60s or '70s.

The first one's label is a little blurry in this picture, but it says Stewart's. Apparently that was a pretty popular department store last century, stationed in Lexington, Louisville, as well as a place in Indiana. One of those places is likely where the coat came from, since my family has lived around there and nearby cities for over fifty years.


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Are there any other labels please: fabric, care, country of origin?

The one you posted is too blurry for me to tell much but it's the other labels that will probably be more useful.
I wish there were more labels! That would be really helpful. Unfortunately there are no more, for either coat. The Stewart's one looks like this though.
Hi there Azeran. I agree with Nicole on the first coat being 60s.
In regards to the second coat I cannot see enough definition of the shape on the hanger to conclusively determine age. A closer view of the buttons and lining might also help to identify age better.
The last image you posted of a Stewart's label did not show for me but one of our members Hollis from Past Perfect Vintage wrote about the history of Louisville, KY dept stores. One of the multiple stores written about was Stewart's. She also included pictures of many labels. Although your label photo was blurry I could see that your label looked similar but not exact to her 50s Stewart's label.
Take a look here and scroll down. There's a lot of great info on different stores and Stewart's is a good way down the page.
I'll have to get a better image of the second coat tomorrow! I took a look at the site you linked, and found a label pretty much identical to the one in my coat, right down to the cities! The Stewart's label belongs to the first coat, and that does seem to fit it being from the 60's, because apparently that label was devised in the mid/late 50's and used up through the 60's.
Yes, sorry. I had my order of pictures confused. The first coat is the one that I am unsure of dating on. The second coat which is the Parkwood coat is the one that I was agreeing with that looked 60s.