Random Find -Vintage Cavalli Suede Jumpsuit


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Visited before and taken some advice but never had anything worth posting to bother you all with, but now I do so here it goes

This Cavalli Leather Jumpsuit found me - it's new w/ tags and in great shape. Has anyone ever seen a piece like this or know the time it came into the world? I love it and can't believe I found it for $12!




Thx! :)
I'm taking a random stab at late 70s or early 80s. Am really interested to see what the experts say on this one! Its great, I really love it!
I'd say 80's due to the shape of the pants - pleated top and tapered. 70's would have been more palazzo, wouldn't it? The applique leaves are gorgeous!
All that heavy pleating and gathering into a waistband begins in the late 70s and I can't imagine anything this earthy very far into in the 80s -- I would guess late 70s.
Wow--great jumpsuit! I think early 80s on this. Last time I went to Vegas with my ex-husband, I bought a jumpsuit in a high-end boutique with very similar lines--same, as Jonathan notes, waistline, pleats & gathers--and the exact same shape of the leg. That would have been in '83, I think, possibly '84, but no later than that. Mine wasn't as nice as yours, though!!!!!
What a fantastic find at $12!!! Yikes! It looks like a 70's disco jumpsuit to me. Love the applique leaves - so unusual. I've never seen anything quite like it. Congratulations! :sunshine: