VFG Member
I am starting a new thread pertaining to the issue of Ruby Lane non-exclusive sellers paying the same fees as exclusive sellers. Below are the postings made by myself, Carol of RL and guest Foo Foo Gal:
Hello Carol -
I would like to know why Ruby Lane charges a non-exclusive seller exactly the same fees as an exclusive seller.
It is my understanding that the exclusive seller's listings are automatically placed in the appropriate category lane as long as they list seven items within one week, whereas the non-exclusive seller has to pay 30.00 for each separate lane. This means if one is a non-exclusive seller on RL selling both vintage clothing and jewelry, that seller would pay 60.00 for four weeks exposure on the two lanes, ie the vintage clothing lane and the jewelry lane. If a seller wants to list housewares or other collectibles they would pay an additional 30.00 for four weeks in those lanes.
Please explain how this is possibly fair to the non-exclusive seller.