Recovering Parasols


I bought a couple of falling apart parasols a while ago, and I was wondering if anyone knew if there is someone who recovers parasols professionally (in the UK)? I was thinking about trying to do it myself, as the parasols aren't really worth anything, but it would be good to know if there is anyone who recovers them, or even if there is a website or book that has good advice in it for attempting it yourself?
also are these parasols Edwardian?

<a href="" target=blank>Costume Classroom</a> used to offer a class in parasol recovering, but I don't see it listed for 2006. You could try emailing Penny (the owner) to see if it will be offered again in 2007.

I have two parasols I was going to recover (so I was going to take that class), but I haven't gotten around to it yet.

It's good to know there's a professional recoverer in the US. Thanks, Lei!

If it is only the covering then you might stand a chance of replacing it yourself , but if it the workings that needs fixing then from experience my advise you to leave alone or let professional have the problem.
Yes, the spokes and handle are fine, its just the fabric that needs replacing. Thanks for that link Lei, I'll defintley consider using them. I've emailed costume classroom, to see if if they would be offering that class again- worth a shot! I think if anyone did take up parasol covering here in the uk, they could make quite a bit of money!
Thanks Laura, but I think that pattern is only for that one type of parasol? Mine are larger, more umbrella sized. Thank you though
I think her pattern covers several different parasol styles or shapes - four if I remember correctly. I emailed Marna Jean to ask if it would work for Edwardian parasols.

My parasols are very similar to the first two you show above. I went with Edwardian as the time period on mine.

Thanks Laura, if that pattern did work out for mine that would be great- I’d love to get more information on it. I got a reply back from costume classroom- "The instructor that taught that class is no longer teaching. I do have another person that might teach that class sometime down the road. You might want to check our schedule in Jan" I might just do that- it would be very interesting. Thanks for your help everyone!