Remember these?

Oh. My. God.

I sucked SO bad at these and I was SO jealous of the girls who could do it!! All the memories I hold for those things are the failure and realization I had and have absolutely NO coordination.

Couldn't do those paddles with the rubber ball attached by an elastic string or hula hooping either. :(
i can remember having totally got on my mother's nerves.....

cant remember what happened to them..i expect my mother threw them out when i wasnt looking.....

they were eventually banned in the uk ( i think) as they used to shatter and there were a lot of kids having hand injuries where they were wacked by
their clackers.....:hysterical:
Oh boy do I remember them. My sister gave me a black eye with hers and they disappeared right after that never to be seen again (my mother at work). LOL.

I remember the rubber ball & paddles, too. Actually, I've found two of the paddles - sans ball or elastic string - at my dad's in the last few years.

I remember many burns not only on the Easy Bake Oven (long gone,) but on the Thing Maker ovens.

A nice open pit of blazing hot metal where you insert metal molds to bake liquid (toxic??) plastic to firey temps!

My sisters had two Thing Maker sets and one of the similar sets that made flowers. The kits are gone, :flaming: , but I have a bag of the cooked little plastic critter parts, including the spiders & "shrunken heads" which had a two-part mold.

I remember many burns not only on the Easy Bake Oven (long gone,) but on the Thing Maker ovens.

I remember easy bakes from the 60s--I used to lust after all the suzy homemaker stuff, but we didn't have the $ for it, so I never got ANYTHING girly... :violins:

but do the Thing Makers go back that far? My daughter had one in the late 80s/early 90s--her favorite toy (and a real magnet for playdates with little boys!)

And the Clacker trend seems to have happened while I was looking the other way (I do remember Pet Rocks, though, if that gets me any nostalgia brownie points :USING: )
I won my clacker at Seaside Heights. Also I won a Men at Work Allbum. Got pretty good at the clacker ... My aprents were in a middle of a divorce so my brother and I could set each other on fire and they would not notice. So I tormented my brother with it.....

Those were the days.... Though I still lib=ve to torment my brother...
