Researching opinions on fashion

Discussion in 'PUBLIC Vintage Chatter - Anything and everything' started by beccybriggs, Jul 4, 2023.

  1. beccybriggs

    beccybriggs Registered Guest

    Hii Vintage Fashion Guild

    I’m promoting my study that I think users of this site would be interested in…

    My study is exploring different views on the fashion industry, particularly focusing on views of natural and synthetic fibres. I have a wide demographic, with the only requirement that participants are over 18. As this research will look at individuals’ perspectives no prior knowledge on the subject is required.

    Participation will involve a 30-45 minute interview where we will read through different statements about the fashion industry. All information I collect will be completely anonymised.

    After completing the interview you will be entered into a prize draw for a £50 gift card!

    If you’re interested in taking part, you can contact me at

    Or email me at [email protected]

    Thanks!! :D
  2. CaptMicha

    CaptMicha Registered Guest

    I’ll be happy to help. But I can’t seen to get it to accept my email confirmation.
  3. beccybriggs

    beccybriggs Registered Guest

    Ahh sorry about that, you can email me directly at [email protected] or you could message me on here with your email, thanks !!

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