RIP Michael Jackson

...and with Ed McMahon, that makes the third of stars/well known folk that have died. They always come in threes...but what a big three!
We just found this by accident the other day...

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Watch to the end. Strangely, this made me show Ava the Thriller, Ava just learned who MJ was the other day.

Amazing that he's gone, despite all the weirdness and accusations....he was a genuine talent, a phenomenon.

Hope he's at peace.

I was hoping to find something about this to chat about - he was a trand setter that's for sure, so was Farrah! And Ed McMahon passed too??? WOW I didn't even know that...

I LOVED my FF hair in the 80's/90's, it's still my fav look to this day (for hair anyways)...I was shocked about MJ, I remember being my DD's age and singing Thriller to my mirror - and what would the 80's have been without MJ??

Seriously, I'm not a fan, but credit due where credit's due - he was AMAZING in his time, too bad the fame and the abuse he suffered as a child (from what I heard) drove him like it did (umm, kinda sideways :)) that guy had rock solid talent, and FF was just so beautiful - she just agreed to marry to her sweety, how sad, he's been waiting for her to agree for like 20 years... :( I hope they got to do it before she passed...
I think its sad Michael died..and sadder that the "younger" generation only knows of his eccentricities, not appreciating all he did for the music world.

I am sure every one of us have a favorite Michael Jackson song that touched our souls. he was a brilliant writer with an amazing catalogue. He was a music genius.

I was fortunate enough to see two concerts. The first, his 80s Victory tour with a huge group of friends and my young daughters. We all left speechless. NO one had ever performed like that before him. the dancing, the costume changes, the special effects. He created that. his mind was visionary and advanced, and he changed music and pop culture forever.

The Thriller concert out-did the Victory one; which I thought would be impossible, it was a real show. His videos were progressive as his special effects.

His "thriller dance" was done just a few years ago by people across the world and made the Guinness book for a world record. Do musicians today leave an impact like that? No. most are too busy doing covers of old songs with no imagination to write their own. ...

I fault his parents for turning him into a money machine. for robbing him of a childhood like most parents of stars. They should have got him professional help to accept his race and his life. Maybe he wouldn't have become so odd if he had good guidance and people around him, and people under 25 would know what he was and could have been

And it's sad that the allegations and eccentricities shadow all this man gave to us. If the child abuse allegations were true, shame on the parents involved for taking money over justice.

And we shouldn't forget he leaves three children behind. I'd like to remember the old Michael, and the music, clothing styles, dancing and entertainment he gave us.

Rest in Peace Michael.. and thank you for all the wonderful memories!