Rockabilly Research Questionnaire


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Dear Friends and Associates,

I am addressing you in hopes that you would like to be a part of an ongoing research project I am conducting this spring. I am currently searching for a better understanding of Rockabilly and how it has evolved. Unfortunately I have encountered a paucity of information about what happened to Rockabilly after its initial wave of popularity. I am specifically interested in how the Rockabilly scene has changed since then and what state it is in now. I know that many of you have an interest or a wealth of knowledge on the era, past revivals or the current scene and I would greatly appreciate your perspectives.

To contribute your own perspective on the history, evolution and current state of the Rockabilly community or scene I would appreciate it if you would simply fill out the attached questionnaire and return it to me as soon as possible. All information will be kept confidential. The information will contribute to my continuing study and a term paper for an Independent Study Class. I have included the questions below, feel free to answer through comments, by messaging me or by emailing me as [email protected].

I look forward to receiving a range of responses and will appreciate all of your opinions, knowledge and perspectives on the issue. Thank you so much for your consideration of the matter.

Anne Williams

General Information Questions
Specific hobbies or interests:

Rockabilly Questionnaire

1. Would you or have you at one time considered yourself “Rockabilly”? This question is in regards to styling, ideology, musical tastes, dance style or other interests.

2. What in particular sparked an interest in Rockabilly music or style?

3. Define Rockabilly in your own words.

4. Would you consider yourself a part of a larger Rockabilly scene or community?

5. Given your experiences with Rockabilly, how would you describe the scene or community?

6. Describe your participation in the scene.

7. In your experience, how has the Rockabilly scene changed over time?

8. Is there any other history, memories or perspective that you would like to add or that you think might contribute to my research?

9. Would you permit me to follow-up with a phone call?

10. If you care to attach a picture of yourself, it would be most appreciated.

Thank you so much!