Ruby Lane selling?

Discussion in 'PUBLIC Vintage Chatter - Anything and everything' started by Vmode, Feb 1, 2012.

  1. Vmode

    Vmode Registered Guest

    Hi all,

    I currently sell on Etsy and from my own website, and was looking into possibly having a Ruby Lane shop. I'd actually never heard of it before using these forums, so was wondering if there's anyone with a shop that could answer my RL questions!

    Are there any UK sellers here who use RL? I don't think it's very well known here in the UK so I'm assuming the majority of members are from the US/Canada..?
    How do sales compare with say, Etsy? I see that the site has some 43,000 likes on Facebook so I guess it's pretty well visited!

  2. rubylane

    rubylane Registered Guest

    Hi Ava, This is Carol from Ruby Lane. We currently have 57 shops in the UK and two RL Customer Service representatives. If you click on the following link you will be take to the Shop Directory. Scroll down to shops by country and click on UK. You will now be on the page that shows a map of the UK indicating the location of a shop and right below are the shop names and other information. You could contact a shop owner and get their opinion.

    Here is the link:,location=UK,order=5.html

    And, yes we have lots of visitors.

    If I can be of further help, please let me know.

  3. The Vintage Merchant

    The Vintage Merchant Administrator Staff Member

    Ava, you may find this thread enlightening:

    I have been with Ruby Lane for 10 years now this month. Obviously, I love it there, or I would never have stayed for so long. However, since I joined, there have been additional rules and guidelines added in over the years, some are excellent, some are not; and a new seller to the site should be aware of all those restrictions before jumping in, imo.

    We consistently get higher prices for our vintage that we list on Ruby Lane; it may take longer, not everything sells in a week. But, we would rather have happy buyers, and be happy with our buyers than struggle with the loonies that seem to pop up so regularly on Ebay, for example.

    if you click on my signature links, you're welcome to come browse through our shop and peruse some of the many helpful selling hints that you can find on Ruby Lane (up at the top of the page under Sell), and see what you think. And if you'd like to contact me directly (easy contact links in our Ruby Lane shop) you are very welcome anytime.

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