?s Jantzen Men's Pullover made in Canada 40s/50s

?s Jantzen Men\'s Pullover made in Canada 40s/50s

I never knew Jantzen was also made in Canada. With a size 38, I think this sports sweater is for a guy. Would this be considered rockabilly? Or ??? Teach me!


:hiya: Yes, Jantzen has been made in Canada for quite awhile. In the early 20's the company set up a mill in Vancouver, it was licensed to make swimwear. The sportswear manufacturing started increasing in Canada in the 50's. the Jantzen site is a very interesting read!

I've learned something today. :D
Thanks, Gayle! Don't know why I didn't think of looking there, but I'm sure glad you did - an awesome site and great read. Really cool story about how they adopted their logo, too!