?s on 70 wedding gown - lace type? etc.

This is a teeny tiny wedding gown (about a size one) and I would like to know if anyone knows what type of lace this is called? There is no label and it is probably polyester. It certainly washed up beatifully.

I have never sold a wedding gown before and I would like to know what you think a good starting bid or BIN would be.

Your help is most appreciated. Thanks!!!

<a href="http://photobucket.com/" target="_blank"><img src="http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d30/alamov/weddingdress.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"></a>

<a href="http://photobucket.com/" target="_blank"><img src="http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d30/alamov/weddingdress3.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"></a>

<a href="http://photobucket.com/" target="_blank"><img src="http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d30/alamov/weddingdress2.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"></a>
Wow, that is pretty. I just picked up a lace one yesterday and the lace is somewhat yellowed. Thought about washing it. Does yours have a cotton or acetate lining?

I tell you..I just cannot seem to give wedding dresses away. I have had one in my store website for 2 years.

I would at least start it at $49.99.
Thanks so much, Linda! Two years! Yeesh. :no:

It has an acetate lining and really washed up nicely. I just noticed the long shot looks as if it's scrunched up along the seam, but it's not in real life; so I think I'll redo that pic.
that would sell really FAST on my site..lve had a couple similar and l described that thick lace as a' thick brocard lace.'...sold for £45.00....each....

l LOVE it!!!
yes sorry, l type quicker than l should and make terrible errors...on ym phone too...with hilarious results, my kids keep them and show me...!!LOL

yes brocade lace it is in my book!!
I don't think that is brocade. It looks embroidered and more like a variation of Schiffli lace. Brodade design would be woven into the fabric.

Thanks, Joan! Schiffli is a mechanical lace, yes? Would I put schiffli lace in the description? I ask because there is a company called Schiffli Lace? It's a tiny dress, but quite heavy.
Schiffli is not a mechanical lace but made with a special embroidery Schiffli loom. There might at one time have been a Schiffli company but the looms now are used by any manufacturer which wants to sell that type of trim.

However, these doodads on your dress look like they could be chemically made; that's why I noted that they could be a variation of Schiffli. Modern technology makes it very difficult sometimes to differentate between actual and faux.

Yes, use Schiffli styled ornamental trim or something to that effect. That doesn't commit you to it is or it ain't.

Mutton sleeves have fullness at the sleeve cap, near the shoulder. I think your dress is a variation on a bishop sleeve, which has fullness between the elbow and wrist.
btw, I found this explanation of sleeves a few minutes ago. I thought you might like it. :)

<a href="http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://z.about.com/d/sewing/1/0/x/w/bishop.gif&imgrefurl=http://sewing.about.com/library/sewnews/archives/aasleeves.htm&h=363&w=200&sz=19&hl=en&start=11&tbnid=NvJCsu9PyZlRlM:&tbnh=121&tbnw=67&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dbishop%2Bsleeve%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26sa%3DG" target=blank>Sleeves</a>