?'s on 70s funky fur - measuring, label (new or old)

?\'s on 70s funky fur - measuring, label (new or old)

This vest/coat has me a little spooked.

1) The style is 70s, but the label looks too modern - or is it just me? Cannot find any info on the label. What do you think?

2) It looks and does up like a mens coat and has extra long arms. But when I try to measure the inside (quite a task!) - the only logical place to measure - the shoulders seam to seam are that of a woman's. But it's more like vest than coat, I think. Any tips as to how I can measure this accurately?

As always, THANK YOU!

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i'd say its an early 70's label, words like mode were mostly 50's and early 60's. i'd measure it across the b ack, under arms to under arms. it certainly looks fabbie!!
Another vote for 70s and perhaps it was marketed as being unisex?

It is wonderful!
l'd say 70's and looks like that fishermans stitch used here, l was talking about earlier on another thread!!!
l know that font looks current, but the italic one doesnt....and anyway there must be trends in fonts as well as fashion..!