Oh yeah, that's who it is! I am familiar with Reddy Kilowatt, I just didn't recognise him with the skirt on!
To bad I didn't listen to him when I stuck my finger in a socket when I was three.
Actually, I had one of those mid-60's little clothes lines with the tiny multi-colored plastic clothes pins and a METAL hook on each end of the line. WELL, that hole in the wall looks like the perfect place to put this hook, I'll just reach over and...
:o :o :o
Mom grabbed me & got zapped, too! I probably got spanked for upsetting her and I wouldn't plug in ANYTHING until I was in my mid teens. Watching mom get electrocuted when she plugged in an electric blanket 5 years later - with sparks blasting out of the wall & her screaming - just added to my fear.
SO DID the huge electrical storm in the mid 60's that brought down the power line onto our lawn. Yep, a huge and heavy LIVE WIRE whipping around the front yard like a giant cobra, crashing into the front windows again & again - with my mom screaming away!
Always listen to Mr. Kilowatt, that's for sure!