Saphiret or opal bracelet?

This bracelet has been advertised at a local sale which is listing vintage jewelry. What do you think... could the stones be saphiret? Or are they opals? Does it look old to you? My jewelry knowledge is extremely limited but I like the look of this piece so I'm hoping to get to the sale while it's still there. Sorry, this is the only photo offered by the sellers.
Opinions welcome, please and thanks! :)

I admit I don't know what saphiret is and had to google it, I'm no jewelry specialist either. I was tending toward saying it looks like opal too (but then it might also be opal triplettes for example, who knows, and they are worth less than "whole" opals...), but I guess it would also depend on what the metal is etc., and the photo is not showing it that well. I would advise to ask for more information, more photos, markings etc., or to see it by yourself. It's hard to judge by just one photo like this, though the jewelry collectors here might be able to say a little more based on the style etc.
Is the vintage jewelry being offered at the sale "costume" jewelry or fine jewelry? It's unlike that the stones are real opals if the gold portion of the bracelet is gold tone, rather than 14K., etc. The stones could be glass opals, though if it is costume. One of them looks a little like saphirets.. I agree with Karin's advice - find out more before you purchase it.

Thank you for the advice, everyone.

Unfortunately, I did not attend that particular sale after all. I spent my coveted lunch hour at a different sale... a much better sale... and picked up about a dozen dresses and a coat that I think are late 20s early 30s. I'll be posting pics to ask if I'm correct with that dating. Unless it's obvious flapper stuff, I have trouble discerning those decades, fashion-wise.