Schiaparelli Hat - Date?

Helen Siwak

Registered Guest
Hello Everyone!

Had an amazing weekend thrifting. Have searched for a directory of Schiaparelli headwear and am defeated trying to find this hat. The label appears to be 1950's? How can this style be described? There is also a small worn spot where the felt has been pulled but not a through and through hole. Should it be repaired then marketed or is it more valuable in its current condition? Also, who would you trust to do such a repair? This piece is full of so many questions!

Best wishes,

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Very nice hat. I am not an expert on hats by any means so please wait for one of our hat experts to come along but when I saw your hat it reminded me of one I had seen in the 60s section of the book Vintage Hats & Bonnets 1770-1970 by Susan Langley. She describes the hat she shows which is a Charo hat as being a turban-beret-toqueish hat. The hat I am showing is not exactly the same but looks similar to me but again, please wait for one of our hat experts to come along who may offer better input.


It is very difficult to date the hat because it is not on your mannequin head correctly. The label always goes to the back of the head, so the bow should be at the back. Does the crown pouf up into a bubble shape, or is it stitched into the squashed shape you show? If it forms a bubble, it is likely from the 60s, but we will need to see different photos to be able to tell.

I agree with Jody that the hat needs to be properly shaped on your manny head. I actually have had 2 of that exact same hat years ago. I date your hat to the 1960s, circa 1965-1968. You can try a quick fix for the "almost hole" in the felt, by picking at the sides with a fine needle to fluff out the surrounding felt fibers and fill in the hole. You could also patch it from inside with a tiny piece of felt (you can glue it or sew it but be neat) also and then pick the fibers from the patch into the hole. Or leave it as it is.

I agree the bow goes in the back.
Ladies thank you so much! The hat was folded when I bought it and when on the mannequin it had a Dickenesque look to it so I assumed that is how it would look. It is not sewn inside so poofy it shall be. Will re-photograph with it up also for marketing. Thanks for the tips on how to repair, saves a lot of money!
Also, what is the style called so I can reference it. I see from her other hats they all had a 'style' name associated with them.

Best wishes,


I cannot really tell from the photos, if it falls into an exact style category. It is sort of a toque. I have several Schiaparelli hats from the mid 1960s with similar design, decorative top stitching on the fur felt (like yours has), and also either a back strap or side straps, so it must have been a "thing" the designers did that 1 year. I am not sure what you are referencing when you say:

"I see from her other hats they all had a 'style' name associated with them".

Can you share where you saw this?
Oh wait, your hat does not have a back strap, that was an illusion caused by the photograph. I see a narrow ivory strip of grosgrain around the bottom edge? I think your hat looks like either a bubble toque or a styled Breton toque. Some hats defy being exactly categorized, so I would not worry too much about that.
Would you be kind enough to show the hat positioned the correct way as explained by Jody and Barbara? I would just love to see how it looks when positioned properly.
Ahh, yes. Thank you for showing it displayed like that. It looks fantastic. There's a lot of room for hair up under there.
MY MOM SHOWED ME THE BEST SECRET FOR FIXING SNAGS AND PULLS AND IT MIGHT WORK ON THIS . YOU GET A POINTED END WOODEN TOOTH PICK , WET IT IN YOUR MOUTH AND TWIST IT WHILE U PUSH THE STRAY FIBERS BACK IN THE HOLE , you catch the fibers w/ the rough wood edges , the best '' restoration tip '' I ever got . Also someone might have pulled off a pompom , etc . IT LOOKS LIKE A 30'S STYLE TO ME BECAUSE REMEMBER she was a RIVAL of CHANEL .
I am so nervous about trying to repair this myself but it has to be done! Thanks everyone for the information, insight and tips. Best wishes, Helen