Schiaparelli Label


Registered Guest
Hello everyone, i just came across a late 50's early 60's suit with a pink and white schiaparelli label in it, it is the one with the poodle on it. I have only seen this label in ties from the 70's and i'm wondering if I got taken by someone sewing this label into a no name suit. Does anyone know if they used this label for anything else other than ties? The suit is well made, i'll post pics later if anyone is interested in see it. It is a pastel wool weave lined in crepe silk that has been handstitched throughout, and all the lines in the suit meet up, very well made.
Maybe it was made for a store... I see the teis were made for stores and certain hats.... So maybe its a 60' 60's suit fora department store...

Is it a small label? I guess Iwould be suspicious if it were small rather than a larger label.

Ok here are some pics, I looked at my tie that has the same label and it is the same size. But I also looked at my schiaparelli fur coat and the label is in the exact same spot. Also the label and lining have little X stitches which looks pro to me. I heard somewhere that if the lining has those X stitches that it mean that it was imported from Europe. I'm here in Canada. So any ideas folks?
Thanx again