Thank you for the compliment for Jonathan and I, that was nice of you to say. This is a common misconception about mourning hats. It is a very common thing for contemporary sellers to label almost any old black has as a "mourning hat". In my experience, I estimate about 90% (or more) of these hats are not mourning hats. Not to say that a woman would not wear one of her own black hats in her closet when she was mourning, that was often done. But wearing a black hat when you are in mourning does not make your hat a mourning hat, any more than wearing a pair of black shoes makes those mourning shoes. The most common color of hats in that time period was black. Almost every woman wore a black hat at some time or other, often every day for some woman. Black straws were considered fine to wear right through the entire Autumn season, skipping only Winter wear. There are so many photos of Victorian and Edwardian women dressed in what appears to be dark colors (hard to tell in an old black and white photo in many cases), and you often see them described today as "dressed in mourning clothes" when they are often wearing just their regular clothing. There were strict requirements for mourning hats just as there were for the entire outfit a widow or relative would wear. Of course, these slowly fell to the wayside along the way to modern times. There were even specific fabrics which were only used for mourning hats and veils and for nothing else. Trims were frowned upon unless the trims were made from this same fabric. Even jet or black glass hat pins were generally frowned in early mourning, but jet jewelry was popular for later mourning periods as we all know. As the mourning period progressed these rules were relaxed and more color and trims could be added to the attire, such as ivory and purple. If a woman had the money she had a mourning hat made for herself by a milliner. If not, she wore whatever most suitable black hat she owned. She often continued to wear it for years afterwards if she was poor, just added some little trims over the years to make it more stylish.
So calling any black hat a mourning hat is a rampamt error on the internet, but that is par for the course on the net. But it makes me crazy!! Smiles.....
Guess I had to get this off my chest!