Seeking Trifari Catalogs from 1969, 1970, 1971, and 1972

Discussion in 'PUBLIC Most Wanted - Looking for something?' started by Distantdetails, Feb 12, 2024.

  1. Distantdetails

    Distantdetails Administrator

    I'm continuing to work on research into the Trifari designers of the early '70s. These designers were called "The New Designers" by Trifari, and came into the company on a contractual basis. As best I can tell, they were Trifari's attempt to jazz things up after Alfred Philippe departed in the mid '60s.

    I'm wondering if any of you might have, or have access to, the Trifari catalogs from 1969, 1970, 1971, 1972. I'd be happy to pay you, or copy your catalog. I will, of course, provide proper citation and gratitude in the final product.

    Thank you so much for your help!

  2. lkranieri

    lkranieri VFG Member

  3. Distantdetails

    Distantdetails Administrator

    Thank you so much. That is a treasure trove of information about American trade-related paper items. Just amazing.
    So far, I haven't located Trifari info, except for one catalog from TKF dated in the early 1900s.

    But I will continue to search this comprehensive, overarching resource. You've also given me the idea of contacting library resources in Providence, where Trifari was located.

    THANK YOU! So much!!
    lkranieri likes this.
  4. Linn

    Linn Super Moderator Staff Member VFG Past President

    Janine -

    You might want to contact the Providence Jewelry Museum:

    I visited it in 2005 and met Peter DiCristifaro. It's possible that they have the catalogues or information you are seeking. According to their website the museum is looking to relocate. I watched the video and it looks like it's currently exactly the same as I remember it - from almost 20 years ago. It was fascinating! You might also try the Rhode Island School of Design -or see if the museum has any suggestions.

    Distantdetails likes this.
  5. Distantdetails

    Distantdetails Administrator

    I've sent them an email, and will follow up.

    Thank you so much for providing that tip! Anything else you might think of will be greatly appreciated!

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