Sequin Wiggle Dress -- Gene Shelly's


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Sequin Wiggle Dress -- Gene Shelly\'s

hi - curious about the age, any known info on this sequin wiggle dress. Label says: Gene Shelly's Boutique International/California, Made in Hong Kong, 100% Wool. This is, in my opinion, an exquisite dress. Even though it's 100% sequins - it is both understated and elegant.

Is anybody familiar with the label ? how old this might be ? how rare ?

thanks som much !!
Very nice! I would guess most likely 50s, and to my understanding it's a good quality label. Hard to say about the date exactly without seeing the whole dress - is it to the knee or longer?
ooh, it sounds lovely!

I'm sure someone else will know more about the label- I sold one a while back which I'm sure was a Gene Shelly one but the label had come out :(

The little I know is that they are very well made - all that hand stitching must have taken forever musn't it! Has it still got all it's sequins?
yes - it looks to be in excellent condition - no sequins are missing. if it fit me....oh boy, i'd feel like a million in this !!
Very pretty! My guess is early 60s on this one.
I've had several items with this label and the quality was really
good, aside from that, I have no info on the label.

Gorgeous dress and they are so well made! I agree with an early '60s dating on it, too.

Sadly, the prices don't seem to often reflect the quality of the dresses. It seems that on eBay dresses are worth what a buyer will pay.

Here's hoping the right buyers find yours!

I agree with 60s. I've had a number of Gene Shelley beaded dresses and sweaters from the 50s, and they all were fitted to the waist and fully lined.