Serbin Swiss-Ette dress

Woman I bought it from said her mom "had it for a long time and it's at least from the 50s." But kids can be wrong. Saw that Jody has a blog entry about Serbin. Perhaps she can pinpoint the date? Feel free to take label for the LR. Found a folded hankie in the pocket when it came back from the cleaners. Maybe it will help. Also found a (dry-cleaned) spider-egg case and nearly shattered the window with my scream. LOL (front open only because too small on Cecelia)

00361-004frontCrinoOpen.jpg 00361-004frontclosed.jpg 00361-004int.JPG 00361-004bkCrino.jpg 00361-004sideseams.jpg 00361-004hankiefrompkt.JPG
I couldn't find Jody's Blog - could you paste a link to it, please? I did find this dress from 1956:

Serbin Swiss-ette 1956.jpg

If you google Serbin Swiss-ette there's an ad from 1948 for a dress with almost the same silhouette. I think your dress is from the 1950's but perhaps Jody can help pin it down. It looks like your dress has a pellon lining. As far as the label goes, if you want to submit it to the LR, first you need to pinpoint the date of the dress, and then submit the label by itself to the Public Label Image thread. Directions on the thread:

Funny, I was thinking that your dress must have been shortened because it's not long enough to be a '50s dress! Many have been shortened, as the original lengths are usually 27-29 inches long from the waist.

Linn's ad might be for two pieces, but the silhouette is very similar and I would date yours as being around '56 too.
I had the same feeling about mid-50s. I actually listed it as being "dirndl-style." My REAL dirndl (brought back from Bavaria post-WWII) sold pretty quickly, but it was a much more wearable size than this tiny thing.