Serious costume help needed!


Registered Guest
I apologize for these huge pics! Vendio has changed the imaging thing and I can't get a decent sized preview. <br />
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These two are supposed to be Martha Washington dresses I reckon, celebrating the bicentennial of George's birthday. Since they were made in the
30's they have that very old look modern colonial reproductions are going to be missing. How on earth do I title and describe these? Any idea
which categories I should list them in? Feature one of them maybe? I won't lie, I want to see at least $100 each on these, so should I use a
reserve maybe? Hate to, but we gotta do what we gotta do.<br><img src=><br><img
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Timber, I do not know what to tell you on pricing or reserve. I have two vintage costumes, too, that I will be asking help on. Actually posted them several months ago, and lost my notes on what people said. I will probably just put an opening bid on them that I can live with. I will be watching this thread closely to see what advice you get.
They might really appeal to those who collect either Americana, or fancy dress costumes. I would list them with the title "1932 George Washington Bicentennial fancy dress costume". Stylistically, they are closer to 1776 than 1732, but there were probably lots of 1776 era parties that year. I have seen images of costumed guides at Mount Vernon from the 1930s wearing very similar dresses.
are there folks who collect the George Washington collectors? I know there are Abe Lincoln collectors out there. I might do some googling to check it out, or cross list in historical memorabilia?
Thanks you all! I did a google search on the label but came up with zilcho. Think I will do another looksie for George Washington collectors before I list. (Which, btw, will be in the next couple of days.) ;)