Sewing / stitch term for this please? UPDATED picture heavy

This peasant blouse is all hand sewn with a running stitch, leaving a small opening on all the seams. Underarms have gussets.. also hand stitched all the way around.

Is this "faggoting".. or is it called something else.


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Von, can you show a pic of any of the other seams and/or the whole blouse? Faggoting is generally more open between the fabric edges and more decorative, but is the seaming closer together here because it is under the arm?
Hrmm, I'm thinking, like Anne, that the open space between the folded edges is significantly wider than the super-narrow slits shown here. More like in your bar fagoting illustration, Sue. Sort of ladderlike.

But I admit I don't have any idea what this is called. I looked though my little copy of "100 Embroidery Stitches" and couldn't nail it.
Doesn't look like bar or ladder faggoting; the stitches would be directly horizontal. If it's supposed to be a faggoted seam, I'd guess more of an elongated criss-cross or knotted stitch, but I can't see how it is formed (to reference back to my sewing books, since I've never stitched a faggoted seam in my life).

I bet the blouse is very pretty--the fabric looks cool and comfy!
It looks like you have two things going on here. The center opening appears to be faggotting. It can be done with a variety of stitches; this one is relatively simple.

The two outer "openings" are where the garment edges are turned under and sewn. They look almost like entredeux which is inserted in heirloom sewing . In this instance, I think the needle and thread have been used to make a decorative pattern of little holes on the fabric. The fabric weave looks like it could be manipulated easily.

Can you provide a better picture? C
Thanks you guys.. i apologize for the "hit & run" but got distracted.

I so detest that term, i was almost hoping it was something else..

Will do more pictures right now, the neckline is ruched, but its quite deep. a really great blouse. will get pictures of it as well.

thanks again..
Its really sad this will probably be sold to a teen who would never appreciate the construction. The entire top is hand stitched. There are absolutely no unfinished edges.

The fabric of all seams is folded, hand hemmed, then "faggot" stitched together.

the underarms are gusseted.

the embroidery is entirely cross stitched. there is a row of white embroidery between the blue which doesn't show in the pictures.

The hemline is hand turned and hand stitched.

The neckline has almost exact 1/4" pleats, hand gathered in blue thread.

No labels whatsoever. appears to be all cotton gauze.

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All stitches are catchstitches. At the edges of the "seams", the seam allowance is sewn flat and each stitch is pulled taut to create the holey pattern.
Please send me a U2 about its cost. Claire
Von, it's lovely--bet it's too small for me, though! This is what all us "young hippies" wore in the very late 60s into the 70s. Lived in 'em.

And I think that is a criss-cross fagot stitch, but not entirely sure. In any event, a terrific piece, and I hope it sells to someone who will appreciate the incredible amount of time and effort that went into the making of it.
Thanks you guys..

Anne.. i'm laughing.. i love and still wear them. this actually is a M-L its quite generous. It fits me, but i know in 10 mins i would have pepsi spilled on it or rip one of the beautiful seams. I have had it for months admiring, but not daring to wear.

Do you guys think it is eastern euprope and possibly 40's?
it just looks so Ukranian/ poland/ czech. Between the stitch work and embroidery, it is definately not Mexican.

Claire.. just U2d you.

thanks again!
i LOVE that, Von.

i had a girlfriend who brought some incredible tops similar to that back from Brazil when she was an exchange student there in the 70s.

woo. THAT was a reality bite. ouch.