Shoe dating dilemma: The receipt says 77, my eyes say late 60s


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VFG Past President

They're NOS, complete with box. Style is "Fetching Mexican. The style and colors, even the font say late 60s to me.




But tucked into the box is the original receipt dated 1977. The description matches the box info, so does the price.
It seems they must be late 70s, but....

I'm just having a hard time here. Hoping someone can help me understand where these fit in to the spectrum of late 70s shoes.:damnit:
I suspect the date is correct, they aren't quite right for the late 60s, but I see why you think they are 60s. The heel height is a little too tall for the late 60s and the toe isn't square, its really more round. If I had to guess I would have said c. 1971 - 1975 on them -- they are a bit old fashioned for 1977 but they weren't expensive shoes when new and the 70s was when US shoe manufacturing started its downward spiral, largely because of its production of cheap shoes. Most shoe manufacturers didn't even employ designers at the time!
Thanks Jonathan, I was hoping you would take a look. Early/mid 70s makes more sense - maybe they sat on the shelf for a couple of years. My biggest problem is that I don't think buyers looking for 70s shoes are going to relate to these.
Maggie, I have/had several pairs of "Personality" shoes, NOS recently. One pair I've kept for my own wear and I sold two others. I think I have one or two pairs left. I had "issues" dating them and finally settled on early to mid 70s for all of mine. One pair I think may have been late 60s, but I am certain on 70s for the others. I agree with Jonathan that the lower-priced shoe lines in the U.S., of which Personality was one, didn't exactly set the world on fire with their "fashion-forward" look!

If it's any help, the pair I sold on eBay went dirt cheap, considering they were a size 10, but the buyer loved them! I think they sold for $14.99. I put the other pair on Ruby Lane, and got $24 for them--which I think was a very nice price for manmade inexpensive-when-new shoes!

Yours are very cute, and I think if you use "mod" as a KW and date them as 60s/70s, then clarify in your description (a late 60's look manufactured in the 70s....), you may do just fine with them! The ones I have were from a shoe store locally that went out of business, so it's entirely possible your shoes were made in the earlier 70s and were sold several years later.
Thanks Anne. That's pretty much what I had decided to do as far as the dating dilemma, but I hadn't thought of mod - I think I'll switch from "Fiesta Colors" to "Colorful Mod". :USETHUMBUP: