Shot in the Dark - Boy Scout Soapstone

I realize this is a forum for vintage fashion but thought I would take a shot in the dark to see if there is anyone here who is familiary with Boy Scout memorabilia or knows of a good Boy Scout historian.

I am looking for info on something called a Boy Scout "soapstone" and am coming up empty with Google.

Again, realize a shot in dark but I guess you never know until you ask :)

More Info and Photo

Here is a photo of what I am trying to research. @Nicole - Yes, it is specific to the Boy Scouts. An older gentleman told me that these were given to a Boy Scout after being in the program for so many years and that it was a very big deal to get one. However, after progressing further in the Boy Scouts, the soapstone had to be turned back in and so they are, his word, rare. My husband was an Eagle Scout and had never heard of this so we are assuming it predates him but I cannot find out a thing about the Boy Scout Soapstone. I am wondering if it regional or even state-specific to Ohio.

As I said, total shot in the dark here. Am putting out as many "feelers" as possible hoping it will ring a bell with sommeone somewhere.

My son *just* crossed over from being a cub scout to a boy scout last night! Our 1st official boy scout meeting is this thursday, so I'd be happy to ask around for you and see if anyone knows anything about it.
Found out a little more is actually called a pipestone. Not sure it is rare but is a prized award among scouts.

Thanks all!
Just wanted to say a quick thank you to everyone. The fact the you guys would all go to the trouble of researching this topic speaks volumes about the wonderful people on this forum.

Thank you!!!!