Show me your Easter bonnet!!


Staff member
VFG Past President
It is spring here in the Northern Hemisphere, and it is time to bring out those flowery spring hats, oui?

I don't care if you don't believe in chocolate rabbits, I want to see your funny, beautiful, and/or most flamboyant spring hat!

I'll start with this 60s number, by Cathay of California:
Here's two of my faves from my store, both 60's:


This white bubble hat has little bumble bees scattered throughout:


Oh, wait, I can't leave this 40's lovely out:

Galliano using theatrics? What a surprise! :rolleyes:

Those models must have strong necks!
Here are my two favorites for Easter. First one is a beehive and second is a lampshade.

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Sweet! I love the wallpaper coordinating with the first hat!

I'll throw out several more I've dredged up...
Blueberry Pancake:

Here Comes the Sun:

and my favorite, 30s Minnie Mouse:
:hysterical: Dache, Disney...who can tell the difference?

That is seriously the most exquisite white rose!
Oh I love hats so much..... I think I like them more than handbags..... But I got a big fat head and most do not fit me. Bo Hoooooooo!!!! Must buy some chocolate bunnies....

I have a big head brother used to call me Bowling Ball Cranium. I found that I can wear the perching types of hats pretty well! It makes me love hats all the more!
I have a smaller head (no relation to brain size obviously, :spin: ) and can wear most of the smaller vintage hats - but I'm fresh out of Easter hats. :( I only have my Autumn leaf hat.

I wish I could see the bees in Jody's white bubble hat!! :wub:

I love hats, too. They are just sculptures (as the Galliano contraptions show best) and they mostly remind me of cakes. Decorated holiday/birthday cakes.

This is from about 1993 or 95, when I was deep into "my art". I started doing odd self portraits ala Cindy Sherman, and I got this hat. It has daisies all over it. I blame the hat for the other 60 odd hats hanging around here and my current line of work. It was like my little vial of crack.
I was going to show you a picture of the bees, Janine, but it turns out they're butterflies! They are white and silver, so they're hard to see:


Here's a couple more:

Pink! Everyone needs a pink hat!



Jen, that photo is so cool! And, Maggie, no one wears a hat like you do!
I LOVED this hat, barely had it a week before it sold from the eBay store ...


Not terribly springy, but a great Lilly Dache....


Not a hat but a great "easter" bag to go with a bonnet!



And not hats, but hatmaking supplies to MAKE the Easter bonnet! And a cool Schiap hatbox, to, feathers, velvet ribbon...I have no idea what to do with them but I LOVE having them!

Here are some of my favourites:
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Jen, that photo is so cool! And, Maggie, no one wears a hat like you do!

I absolutely agree!

Such wonderful examples everyone is showing--I am grinning from ear to ear!

Really makes you realize what an art millinery was...

Here are a few contributions:

A simple flower cap from Jordan Marsh:

Easter meets mod:


From Evelyn Varon, who I think is an underrated milliner:




Not spring-like, but those Galliano pics made me think of another flamboyant John (Mr John Jr):

Here are a few more!

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