Simon Martin London Bag-Help dating!


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Can anyone elp dating this Simon Martin London snakeskin effect bag. Does the company still exist? Cant seem to find anything other then examples of other bags.
As you can see bag comes complete with a rare edition ice cream spoon! :lol:

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When trying to find information about a UK company, it's always worth checking company information sites such as, and the companies house website.

There is a Simon Martin leathergoods, established 1976, and a Simon Martin Group, based in Croydon and Walsall, established 1968 who make leathergoods as well. I suspect these are two connected companies.

Interestingly, Simon Martin Group lists Launer as their website, who are handbag manufacturers with a royal warrant, been around since the 1940s, so perhaps they now own Launer? Although company information does say Simon Martin Group is now dormant - so I'm not sure that means relating to Launer. Anyway not relevant to your bag really.

This thread has some useful links for searching for UK company information.

The typeface on the label is Cooper Black, or something very similar, which was designed in the 20s but very very popular in the 1970s.

Based on this I'd put your bag very late 60s to mid 70s, but I'm not a handbag expert.
Hi GA,

If your interested I have just e-mailed Launer to find out what the connection is with Simon Martin, it would be interesting to know just for future reference.....