Your bag is adorable! Can't help with the age of it, though it does look pretty old. I would use Cadillac, too; I get mine at the grocery store! But, with the amount of soil this has on it, I think you'd be best off using a very good, glycerine-based saddle soap to clean it with, then use Cadillac to re-condition and polish up. I don't think the Cadillac will work sufficiently as a cleaner on what you're dealing with there. You could try spot cleaning the drawstring if you can't get it out--a section at a time, letting that dry before pulling out another section away from the body of the purse to keep the leather from getting too wet (a little bit of dampness won't harm the leather; just don't get it wet, wet--when you saddle soap it, you want a fairly dry, low-suds lather)....