Small Town Big City


Who says New York City is just a big, mean city? :paranoid:

Whilst drinking my morning tea just now :icon_dante: I spot this "Top Stories" news item in the local online news site and did a double take:

Lost Kitten Found In Subway Tunnel :cats:

What's next? "Breaking News! - Kids Run Over Mailbox in Brooklyn"?

Oh well, I guess it's a nice change from the usual meat-cleaver hacking murder or teenage gunfight.

Our newspaper has stories like that. LOL But I do live in a small town.
My personal favorite is still the story about the kids that built two snowmen and put them in the middle of the road. We sent 3 cops out to look for them. haha!

Squirrels stuck in chimneys also make the local news here.

I often wonder what the police would do here if there ever was a real crime.
Deer vs. Cars get the most coverage in my neck of the woods~ I'm looking out my front window at about 20-30 Bambis munching on winter wheat in the field across the road :icon_dante:
The local weather guys just got a shiny new computer radar system. They are driving me crazy!! One night the cut into ER for 45 minutes to show us lightning strikes on radar and talk about how many there had been in one hour! Another afternoon they stayed on air for three hours as thunderstorms went through the state to keep us posted about the size of the hail some farmer claimed to see.

I miss the city