this purse anything??? - Now Listed on Ruby Lane

Another of todays finds. This purse is made of red and white plastic pieces. It is lined in a shiney taffeta like fabric. The zipper says "Rentic" . I thought it was cute but I don't know the age. My first thought was 50's but then I considered it could be a bit earlier. I would appreciate any help with descriptive words and with an age. Thanks so much!!

These purses are generally 40's -- although they may have been made for some time.
Somewhere around here I have a magazine ad for a very similar purse, dated to 1946, I thinK?

I FINALLY sold my white one with a large matching zipper fob, which had been in my store FOREVER. Maybe I should have sold it on eBay instead ;)
I'd be happy to inspect it in person, Carrie ('course you'd never see it again--LOL)! Very good that it is in red, my favorite color.... Several of us will be tussling over it!!!
I had one some time ago in black and I got around $60.00 for mine. This one is quite special with this coloring. I think it might do very well for you....just a thought I'm having as I and so many of us here luv it - if you feel like making some good karma come your way, you can always do a raffle $1.00 a ticket and one of us could be the winner!:hysterical::singing::USETHUMBUP: